Sunday, February 26, 2012

Latest Book Cover Layout for Golden Phallus!

Latest Book Cover Layout for Golden Phallus!

Dear Friends:

Many exciting things now unfold and in some ways I cannot push the river! Golden Phallus is now due to be available early March , instead of the first day. Here's the latest layout for the new book cover, one that bookstores could shelves, most people can purchase without feeling awkward, and yet it conveys something of the extraordinary contents:

Though I liked the previous candidate for the cover, with the colored image of the Egyptian god Nefertum on it, the publisher at Lethe Press felt it was "too academic" and my primary advisor, Tom, felt it "too Egyptian," despite the fact there's quite a bit of Egyptian stuff in the book. There's a lot of other stuff too! Including 66 drawings by Yours Truly!

This book is designed to help men of all sexual persuasions to feel totally comfortable in their bodies and to celebrate our innate capacities for physical pleasure as a divine and evolutionary gift!

Meanwhile, also be sure to check out the 3-Part Interview on YouTube about the book, if you have not seen it. Tell other folks too! Wow!

My premiere on YouTube HERE! ... Plus Part 2 and Part 3!
Peace & (((HUGS)))

1 comment:

  1. I Love the cover of your book. So beautiful!
    I would love to have a t-shirt with that design.
    Are they available?? Please let me know.
    I would love to purchase one. (size large)
    Best Wishes and Much success,
    Shanti Austin, TX
